Ledian Hymetllari  / 
13 min read

How to Override / Rewrite Classes in Magento 1

Magento is one of the most powerful eCommerce platforms on the market. With it’s well-designed, open-source codebase, and modular structure, new features in Magento can be added by creating custom modules, thus providing unlimited possibilities to customize an online store. According to Ben Marks, on my personal autograph from him, editing Magento’s core code is […]

Ledian Hymetllari  / 
7 min read

How to Do Magento Unit Testing with PHP Unit

Unit testing helps developers write better and cleaner code, avoiding logical errors. When developing a large project, there are critical things that you need to keep in mind, such as the plan for project, its design, etc. All of those things are dependent on the way the code is written. Code should be well written […]
