Magento ERP Integration

Using Magento and are looking to simplify online order management and eCommerce processes with the help of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)? At Shero, we’ve worked with a number of merchants to help them connect their ERP with their Magento store by either connecting the ERP to Magento’s API through and existing connector or through custom development. Most ERP’s assist with the management of the following areas of an online  business:  

The best ERP solution for your business will depend on factors such as:

Some of the most popular ERP’s that we have worked with before and have helped customers integrate with Magento are:

Why Use Shero To Integrate Magento With Your Preferred ERP?

If you would like to discuss how to integrate your Magento website with the ERP of your choice, please fill the contact us form and we will get in touch to discuss your project’s details.