
An Introduction to Shero’s Code Review and QA Process
An Introduction to Shero’s Code Review and QA Process
Chris Roach

Code Review and Quality Assurance (QA) are two integral processes of software development that offer a wide range of benefits. Most of the time, our clients aren’t aware of these processes, because they happen in the background. But having a solid structure for code review and QA can hugely impact the agency/client relationship. For example, […]

Learning Javascript: Rebooted
Learning Javascript: Rebooted
Joshua Romero

Eloquent JavaScript Introduction Note: After trying out Code School’s JavaScript course, I found myself a bit bored and not really digging how the material was presented. I went back to the drawing board and settled on a book called Eloquent JavaScript, by Marijn Haverbeke. It’s a book I tried back in the first edition, but […]