Jill Govier  / 
4 min read

How Can Instagram Help your Magento eCommerce Business?

Instagram is a powerful social network. There are over 300 million active users, and 59% of US adults use Instagram daily. It’s much more complex than pictures of your friend’s lunch and selfies. If used correctly, it’s actually a huge marketing opportunity for your eCommerce site. Instagram wasn’t designed for businesses, but there are ways […]

Jill Govier  / 
7 min read

Top 7 Design Failures That Are Hurting Sales on Your Online Store

No Responsive Design It’s 2015, your eCommerce website should be responsive. Everyone’s carrying around a mini computer in their pocket or purse. You’re missing out on sales by having a website that’s optimized only for desktop. Yes, customers can still view your website on their mobile device, but it will certainly not be easy for […]

Jill Govier  / 
3 min read

Magento Product Quick View Feature Explained

What is a Quick View? There is a good chance you’ve used or stumbled upon a quick view at some point since they are fairly common on eCommerce websites. Quick view buttons are mostly seen on the category or grid view pages. Normally there’s a button below the product thumbnail, or a button appears when […]

Jill Govier  / 
6 min read

Typography for the Web – Choosing the Right Font for Your eCommerce Website

Typography for the Web A good font consists of many different aspects. Fonts can easily make or break your design therefore you must know from the very beginning if you’re choosing the right font for your website. Typography in the web can be easily overlooked even though it’s what people tend to look for first. […]

Jill Govier  / 
4 min read

Why Customers Print on the Web & How it Helps Increase Sales

Even though we’re all on our computers, tablets, and smart phones, we might not think about printing a website since we can view it through so many different devices. Surprisingly enough, there are still some customers who want and need the option to print category and product pages on your eCommerce store. Some may agree […]

Jill Govier  / 
7 min read

Improve Conversions with Awesome Product Photography

You could have a great eCommerce store with a great design with great products, but if the product photography is awful your sales could plummet. Product photography is way more important than you may think. Unlike any store at the mall, customers cannot go to your eCommerce store, touch and truly look at the product […]

Jill Govier  / 
6 min read

Tips on Building a Trustworthy Magento Website

When shopping online customers want to feel comfortable and welcomed. If a customer doesn’t feel this way, there’s a good chance they just close the tab or back click and you lose the sale. Before customers even make a purchase on your website, they must decide whether they trust your company or not.  Your website may look great, […]

Jill Govier  / 
5 min read

Customer Loyalty with Reward Points in Magento Enterprise and Community Edition

Better relationships equal loyal customers. There are many ways on how to reward your customers. An easy approach to gaining customer loyalty is by using reward points, a new feature in Magento Enterprise and functionality that can be added in Magento CE with an extension. By implementing reward points into your website new and recurring […]

Jill Govier  / 
5 min read

Setting Up Automated Email Marketing Reminders in Magento Enterprise

Customers may go to your eCommerce website, add an item to their cart, and completely forget it’s there. They might realize they don’t want to buy the item at that very moment or they could have easily been distracted by something else. But have no fear, in Magento Enterprise there’s a way to remind customers […]
